Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Techical industrial products continue expansion

Although in contrast with the current trend of most companies and Italian activities, producers and distributors of rubber and plastic products can boast a steady expansion both in geographical terms of export and sales proceeds ach ieved.

Indeed, despite the high - sometimes fierce - competition triggered by the countries of South-East Asia (China and India in particular) coming onto the Western markets with highly competitive prices and insignificant, far below the European and North Americans standard, the Italian product stands comparison, in fact continues its expansion, as in the case of safety protections production.

But how can Chinese products have cost so contained if compared to Italian or European production ? Simple, for these main factors that determine the nominal cost of production:

1. Lower labor costs. Enjoying boom economy and a population below the poverty practically infinite (approximately one quarter of the world's population), the cost of laborers and employees is decidedly low. In addition at employees are certainly not guaranteed any right protections that exist in Italy and in most developed and modern economies. 2. Lower costs for electricity and spaces occupied 3. No care and concern for the environment, few rules governing the conduct of business for waste disposal 4. Minor cost of raw material, because conducted independently (perhaps from non-specialized) without care quality 5. Minor controls on the finished product, all at the expense of good quality of final product.

The producers and distributors of technical equipment for industry, have worked on the weaknesses of the competition, certainly not trying to beat the sprint, but in the long distance.

This was possible with the passion for their work and the care for the spasmodic quality of products made and marketed, in addition, many manufacturers have addressed to the first investment on average for the moment: Internet.

Indeed, the creation of a multi-language website and an on-line promotion can reach and satisfy customers from all over the world with a simple click and an investment far lesser than a traditional promotional campaign (print, television and radio).

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