Friday, August 21, 2009

Good results for Italian Tourism in despite of economic crisis

Reports of tourist structures and tour operators for the 2009 summer season in the end show that Italian tourism has hold up well the effects of the global economic crisis. In spite of the collapse of incoming flows from overseas countries, mainly the U.S. and Japan,in Europe, italy has established itself as the selected destination for many tourists such as Germans, Austrians, French and Spanish with a significant decline regarding only the United Kingdom.
But if Italy can be satisfied with respect to the catastrophic initial estimate it's only thanks to Italian tourists, who have decided to remain in the Beautiful Country boycotting foreign destinations and limiting the damages related to the absence of large part of overseas tourism.
By surprise, the less "popular" regions such as Sicily and Apulia result the most favourite destinations to the detriment of the great tourist centers of northern Italy.
Good results also for Tuscany, famous for its landscape and its excellent wine production. Travelling in Tuscany making touring trips in contact with nature seems one of the most appreciated desires for the holidays of this year.


  1. No doubt Italy is a nice and beautiful place to travel, I am planing to visit Italy next year. The most lovable things about Italy that I like is Italian language. Italy is well known for its art, fashion, culture and cuisine.
    Thanks for sharing this great post with us.

  2. Off course Italian language and culture is famous world wide and I just love it.
